Using RingGo at Branscombe Beach Car Park

Paying by RingGo at Branscombe Beach

The Anchor at Branscombe Beach
It is possible to pay using RingGo at Branscombe Beach Car Park

The car park has the RingGo code of 9189

You can use the app or call 020 3046 00020

Be aware there is little or no phone signal at the car park

You may get some service if you stand over towards the anchor on the beach or near the café

Be aware you MUST schedule your payments from the moment you arrive, not when you start making any payments.

There is a surcharge of 20p (correct 2022) for using this service.

Because the phone service is patchy you are strongly recommended to pay by cash and get a receipt from the machine.

Double check you have entered your registration number correctly in and make sure you pay for your entire stay....or longer!